Morning time...

This morning, i'm too lazy to woke up early.
I feel tired and sleepy...
But suddenly ay 6.55am... I was awake by someone.
i thought is my mum awake me early in the morning.
Then i said"still early to wake me up.
But she still wake me up and i just don't mind about that.
Suddenly she pull my leg.... owh man... Abby is at my home already to wake me up XD
But i still don't want to wake up yet. And she pull my leg down from my bed and i fall from double bed. Huhuhuhu.... Then i have to wake up and go bath and prepare myself to go to college early even that my class is at 11.45.
She bring me to do assigment OB at library.
But she is sick now and i worry about her.
She hard to breath and i don't no what to do.
I suggest to her to meet doctor to check for her health but she don' want to go.
she said taht her mum will bring her then i ok with that.
Now she is look fine and hope she will be ok.
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