My body feel the pain....

Last night, i follow my friend going to play badminton...
I already long time not doing sport things because of my shoulder still pain from injured last month. Then yesterday i join back and i woke up this morning i almost can't move my leg. Its feel very heavy.... Now i'm feel tired and sleepy :(
The coach train me last night for 30min. That make my leg muscle so pain and i can't stop until 30min. That night my body all sweat... hahahaha. Long time not doing sport things and my stamina are already gone and also feel so weak.
Maybe after a few days of training i can have my stamina back and not feel the pain again. I hope la=P
Hmm... Tonite i'm going to play badminton back to gain my stamina and fitness back.
Hope i can still play tonite with my condition now. Hehehehe...
but i get use to it already...
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