My Sarawak Friends

Where are they??? I mean my friends....
Hmmm.... I miss them so much.
They are my best friends even thou Im the only one sabahan people in thier team.
They treat me as thier family when i staying there for 3 month for training.
I have been present sarawak team for sukma 2008.
I live there and train with those sarawak atlet.
I have great time with them and there are a lots of memories with them.

Now i wonder where are they now??? After sukma we are seprate into a few groups.
Who are going back to kuching, sibu, miri & sabah.
But only me the one who are going back sabah.
I feel so sad when we have to go back to our own place after the sukma end.
We are already like one family.
I hope that i can meet them again in the future.
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