Demonstrative speech

General Purpose: To demonstrate

Specifific Purpose: To demonstrate karate martial art.

Central Idea: With any martial art you can protect you from any harm.

Introduction: Today i will demonstrate the karate martial art technic.

Transition: Now let's to know a bit about the history.


1. First i will show you all some of the video

a. Explain what is "KATA" & "KUMITE"

b. Show a demo about "KATA"

c. Show a demo about "KUMITE"

2. Do some demo

a. show how to protect yourself from any harm

b. Escape from a grip from someone(bad person)

Transition: Now you know why martial arts are important to you

Martial arts are not hard to learn for anyone because its only simple things and even sometimes when you being attack by someone and you don't realise that you are doing some martial arts technic try to avoid or escape from the attack.

Martial arts have many types that everyone can learn. Its good for your own self and also for your mentality and physical. Now martial arts are in categories combat sport and acceptable for all ages.
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