Love poem

I love you today and
I will love you tomorrow

Just some words
To clear the sorrow

That will never
Leave my heart or yours

From this day forward
You are so special to me

I love you
With all my heart

Always have
And always will

From family and friends
That never end

You will always be with me
As I will always be with you

Until we cross the gates of heaven
There we will always be

Together until the end

My Sarawak Friends

Where are they??? I mean my friends....
Hmmm.... I miss them so much.
They are my best friends even thou Im the only one sabahan people in thier team.
They treat me as thier family when i staying there for 3 month for training.
I have been present sarawak team for sukma 2008.
I live there and train with those sarawak atlet.
I have great time with them and there are a lots of memories with them.

Now i wonder where are they now??? After sukma we are seprate into a few groups.
Who are going back to kuching, sibu, miri & sabah.
But only me the one who are going back sabah.
I feel so sad when we have to go back to our own place after the sukma end.
We are already like one family.
I hope that i can meet them again in the future.

The final exam is coming around the corner.

Oh my GoSh!!!!
I don't realize that final exam are around the corner and my assignment still haven't done yet.
I'm rushing now to do my assignment...
Stress, tension, headache....
Everything are there...


Organizational Behaviour assignment!!!!!!!!!!
How i want to do this???
I don't have any idea to do this oOo and don't know how to start it.
Im dead if like this... Everything are rushing now, its very hard for me.
Hope i can finish my assignment this week and do other thing.
This make me stress and a lot of preasure.
I just start doing my front page and next... What???
I really don't know....


What is blog?
1st i register this thing call blog i don't know what its function for.
I thought its the same as friendster.
I know about this from my friend then i just sign up for it.
After i register, i open it and i was blur about this. Because it seems useless for me and i have no idea what to write on write on it and my english was not so good.
Hahahaha.... i think this blog are sucks for the 1st time i sign up for.
But now, I'm studying in college and my lecturer Ms.Freda teach us Communication skill are asking to use the blog so that we marks on it and to improve our spelling, language, speaking and writing skill.
Now i realize that bloging are fun and I can share interesting things for my friends and others who are viewing my blog.
I will try my best to improve my language and writing skill from time to time with Abby helps. Because she don't like me to use short form in this blog. If not she will pull my ear. XD
This can motivate me to bloging in proper way. Hehehehehe.

That's all for today =)
If me "rajin" i will do again some bloging;)

Morning time...

This morning, i'm too lazy to woke up early.
I feel tired and sleepy...
But suddenly ay 6.55am... I was awake by someone.
i thought is my mum awake me early in the morning.
Then i said"still early to wake me up.
But she still wake me up and i just don't mind about that.
Suddenly she pull my leg.... owh man... Abby is at my home already to wake me up XD
But i still don't want to wake up yet. And she pull my leg down from my bed and i fall from double bed. Huhuhuhu.... Then i have to wake up and go bath and prepare myself to go to college early even that my class is at 11.45.
She bring me to do assigment OB at library.
But she is sick now and i worry about her.
She hard to breath and i don't no what to do.
I suggest to her to meet doctor to check for her health but she don' want to go.
she said taht her mum will bring her then i ok with that.
Now she is look fine and hope she will be ok.

My body feel the pain....

Last night, i follow my friend going to play badminton...
I already long time not doing sport things because of my shoulder still pain from injured last month. Then yesterday i join back and i woke up this morning i almost can't move my leg. Its feel very heavy.... Now i'm feel tired and sleepy :(
The coach train me last night for 30min. That make my leg muscle so pain and i can't stop until 30min. That night my body all sweat... hahahaha. Long time not doing sport things and my stamina are already gone and also feel so weak.
Maybe after a few days of training i can have my stamina back and not feel the pain again. I hope la=P
Hmm... Tonite i'm going to play badminton back to gain my stamina and fitness back.
Hope i can still play tonite with my condition now. Hehehehe...
but i get use to it already...

Table setting

This is the nicer table setting that i ever saw...
Hehehehe... Because i only learn the basic table setting and i never imagine that table setting can be a lots of kind.
This is the table setting of ATI college.

These are the other table setting that i taken....

1 Malaysia 1 Borneo.....
I hope one day i can learn to decorate the table setting like this.

Hospitality Fiesta 2009

Last saturday, i went to the citymall to watch the hospitality fiesta.
This are some of the picture that i take at there...

The chef are decorate the food and do some carving on the food.
This is how its done. Its nice to look and eat also. Hehehehe

The watermelon that been carving... Nice right?

The lobster that already being decorate...
Delicious.... MmmmMmmm...

Yum... Yum... Yum...
Deliciuos... =P


This november 26th till 29 at dantai kota belud.
But i can't attend this camping because at 30th have final exam.
I feel so sad this because i miss this pathfinder fair.
I wish i can go....
Why i want to go there because the place are so nice and can meet a lots of new friends and having fun with my fellow friends.
Hmmm... But nevermind la mybe next time i can still go there with my friends.
I hope that the camping date are change to another date...
hehehehe... how i wish this happen=P

Demonstrative speech

General Purpose: To demonstrate

Specifific Purpose: To demonstrate karate martial art.

Central Idea: With any martial art you can protect you from any harm.

Introduction: Today i will demonstrate the karate martial art technic.

Transition: Now let's to know a bit about the history.


1. First i will show you all some of the video

a. Explain what is "KATA" & "KUMITE"

b. Show a demo about "KATA"

c. Show a demo about "KUMITE"

2. Do some demo

a. show how to protect yourself from any harm

b. Escape from a grip from someone(bad person)

Transition: Now you know why martial arts are important to you

Martial arts are not hard to learn for anyone because its only simple things and even sometimes when you being attack by someone and you don't realise that you are doing some martial arts technic try to avoid or escape from the attack.

Martial arts have many types that everyone can learn. Its good for your own self and also for your mentality and physical. Now martial arts are in categories combat sport and acceptable for all ages.