Mucsle up

Trying a new workout but still can't go with it. Need to find out the way to pull myself up.

Love my job :)

Course that I having last time is Hotel management which is in serving industries. But now working in the place that I should be but I still like it without any complain. Anywhere it is still serving industries right?? I was thought just wanna finish my practical as a FRONT DESK and do a job hunting again which is working in hotel or tourism line just want fit my course. Now I just stuck here because I begin to like what I'm doing here where I start knowing most of the members and I still can apply what I have learn in customer service. Sometimes even I feel so tired but I still can smile because I'm happy with my job. Now my position is no longer as a FRONT DESK but change to X45 TRAINER which is give me more passion doing my job.

Almost finish my college life

What a day... tomorrow is the last day i'm having final exam.
Hope everything goes well and past all my subject :)
Don't want to have repeat... Huhuhuhuhuhu....

Ego brother, stupid brother, selfish brother...

I have 3 brother and 1 sister...
I have this 2 ego and stupid brother. I think they don't have
brain to think about good or bad. Their brain maybe at their knee.
My 2nd brother are full of ego and selfish. He only think that what he do is right and not to listen my parents advise. I'm not really like his attitude.
He is so rude to my parents especially mum.
Sometimes he do like that like i want to punch him straight to the face!
3rd brother are very damm stupid. He really rude.same as my 2nd brother.
They think what they do is right. They easy get influence with their damm friends who are smoking, n drink achohol. That is why i say they don't have brain to think wisely.
Ask for money only to buy all that things...
Feel so unlucky to have them as my brother.

Start bloging again

So long I've been write something new in my blog.
No time for online at home.
I got broadband but it can't be used at my place.
Just waste my money to register it.
But never mind about it maybe it gonna be useful next time.
Hehehehe... peace XD

Love poem

I love you today and
I will love you tomorrow

Just some words
To clear the sorrow

That will never
Leave my heart or yours

From this day forward
You are so special to me

I love you
With all my heart

Always have
And always will

From family and friends
That never end

You will always be with me
As I will always be with you

Until we cross the gates of heaven
There we will always be

Together until the end

My Sarawak Friends

Where are they??? I mean my friends....
Hmmm.... I miss them so much.
They are my best friends even thou Im the only one sabahan people in thier team.
They treat me as thier family when i staying there for 3 month for training.
I have been present sarawak team for sukma 2008.
I live there and train with those sarawak atlet.
I have great time with them and there are a lots of memories with them.

Now i wonder where are they now??? After sukma we are seprate into a few groups.
Who are going back to kuching, sibu, miri & sabah.
But only me the one who are going back sabah.
I feel so sad when we have to go back to our own place after the sukma end.
We are already like one family.
I hope that i can meet them again in the future.