Ego brother, stupid brother, selfish brother...

I have 3 brother and 1 sister...
I have this 2 ego and stupid brother. I think they don't have
brain to think about good or bad. Their brain maybe at their knee.
My 2nd brother are full of ego and selfish. He only think that what he do is right and not to listen my parents advise. I'm not really like his attitude.
He is so rude to my parents especially mum.
Sometimes he do like that like i want to punch him straight to the face!
3rd brother are very damm stupid. He really rude.same as my 2nd brother.
They think what they do is right. They easy get influence with their damm friends who are smoking, n drink achohol. That is why i say they don't have brain to think wisely.
Ask for money only to buy all that things...
Feel so unlucky to have them as my brother.